松屋銀座 3F Rita’s Diary にて、毎シーズン恒例となりました ANTIPAST フェアを開催いたします。
2021年6月2日(水) – 6月22日(火)
松屋銀座 3F Rita’s Diary
お問い合わせ: 03-3567-1211(代表)
ANTIPAST Fair is coming to Matsuya Ginza “Rita’s Diary”.
We have made 3 limited items, lace stoles, fabric masks, and handkerchief, for this fair.
Along with our 21SS collection and archive collection there will be limited edition items sold only at Rita’s Diary.
Please take a visit during this special event.
2nd June (Wed) ~ 22nd June (Tue) 2021
Matsuya Ginza 3 flr “Rita’s Diary”
For more information please contact: 03-3567-1211