期間限定で19SS ANTIPAST の靴下展を開催いたします。
2019年3月21日(木) ― 26日(火) @ IO SHOP & GALLERY TOKYO
2019年4月5日(金) ― 7日(日) @ IO PLUS KYOTO
IO GRAPHIC website
IO GRAPHIC’s IO GALLERY in Tokyo and IO PLUS in Kyoto is having an 19SS ANTIPAST socks exhibition for a limited time.
They will carry our newest collection to the signature designs as well as Men’s socks.
Don’t miss this chance to see the various range of our 19SS collection.
3.21.2019 (Thurs) ~ 3.26.2019 (Tues) @ IO SHOP & GALLERY TOKYO
4.5.2019 (Fri) ~ 4.7.2019 (Sun) @ IO PLUS KYOTO
Please check out the web page below introducing the exhibition. (Japanese Only)
IO GRAPHIC website